Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The 6 month sprint: Week 9

the nitty gritty wedding planning details when you're six months out

I know, I know…my last post was a 6 month sprint one also.  BUT, theres the reality of a bride to be when she's less than three months out!!!  Let's catch up to May, FINALLY.

Friday April 25th: When I got home from work I finally sent an email about an important part of my wedding gift {and also something that's been lingering on my April list…nothing like waiting until the last minute!}

Sunday: We spent the day in Rhode Island with my family!  We spent some time helping my dad in the yard {call it a pathetic attempt to pay him back for all the help he's given us around our new house?} - and then we got to spend the afternoon with my mama!  She just finished her dissertation for her PhD…so needless to say she's been pretty busy the last few months.  It was nice to get to spend the afternoon nice and relaxed together!  We made it to the beach for a walk - one of my FAVORITE parts of being home in spring/summer.  While we were out and about Ant sent a friendly reminder out to the boys got the boys to buy their ties…and they all did!!! Check that one off the list…it was almost too easy ;)  We also did some shopping while we were out, and bought our first lawn game for "lawn game central."  We also took advantage of being in Rhody, and had dinner with one of my bridesmaids Brittni and her fiancé Stephen!  They are getting married in October, so there is always plenty of wedding planning talk when we get together.

Monday: Dinner with Brit the night before made me realize it might be helpful if I got information to the bridesmaids ASAP about general timelines for the weekend, specifically the Thursday/Thursday night rehearsal dinner.  So I drafted up a very quick informal overview of the plan, and sent it to the ladies!!  I know everyone's work schedules and commitments vary, so I wanted to give people as much time as possible to plan.  

Tuesday April 29th: Ant and I had the morning off together, so we spent some time working on lawn game central {the DIY portion}!  Good news, everyone still has all ten fingers and toes.  We also sat down and put our heads together and made a financial decision to help our wedding budget in the long run.  In case you hadn't caught on - weddings are NOT cheap!  We also got confirmation from my dad about the boat for the rehearsal dinner evening, which was a huge relief.  I am so so excited for the fun & casual evening we are planning. {and yes - you will get ALL the details!}

Wednesday: I pulled essentially an all-nighter at work Tuesday into Wednesday, so I got out of work early in the afternoon feeling pretty sleepy…but I didn't want to waste the day, so I went to get my nails done {which at this point is an essential part of my wedding prep}…went to staples to pick up some paper for testing place cards…went to the bank (x2)… and finally got an INSANELY overdue check in the mail! Did I mention I have the best, most patient vendors?? :) Then I napped.  Then I met Ant at the gym…and as soon as we got out of class we went straight to Starbucks to meet with our videographer Max!  Yes, we met with him.  It really happened…the stars finally aligned.  He was wonderful - super easy to talk to and very easy to work with.  He even offered us an additional service I hadn't thought was an option through him before!  I was happy, and even better ANT was happy.  I'll talk more about our videographer journey later, but we left that meeting feeling pretty good about what we wanted to do.

the 6 month sprint

PHEW!  And here we are - finally in May!!  What is your favorite part of wedding planning - or least favorite?? How do you stay motivated and organized???  I can't get enough of this stuff, and I'm sure every bride is different…so I would LOVE to know more!!!

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