Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The 6 month sprint: Week 8

It's May - and time to get my butt into May with my 6 month sprint updates!  We left off just before Easter…

Thursday:  Our meeting with Max {videographer} was canceled, which meant that we got to have dinner with my future in laws!  At the best steak place around.  I am SUCH a meat and potatoes kind of girl… {and red wine}

Friday April 18th:  Got an email from Jen with the proofs of our invitation and RSVP!  They are beautiful and {almost} perfect!

a peek at the only important part of the RSVP, the part where you accept!!

Saturday:  Celebrated Ant's grandfather's 90th birthday with the family!  Noteworthy, but not wedding related.  I also got to meet two of the newest members of the family - Ella and Isaac!

the birthday boy and his bride :)

Sunday: Easter!  Again, not anything specifically productive as far as wedding planning is concerned - but having both sets of parents over meant naturally lots of wedding talk!  We also finally got to show them our wedding bands & all of the other beautiful sparkle currently in the house.  I decided to send out an email to all of the bridesmaids about shoes, giving them an idea of what I'm looking for so they can start their searches independently!

some bridesmaid shoe inspiration...

Tuesday: Finally got around to emailing Jen back to let her we were definitely interested in using her for our invitations!  I'm so glad this is one less thing we have to worry about :)  The last thing that needs to be designed is the directions card, so people don't get lost driving onto campus.

Wednesday: Ant and I decided we would feel more comfortable booking our JP if we were able to meet her first, so I emailed Marie Wiley to see if we could meet up with her.  She wrote back almost immediately and we were able to set a date for the first week in May!  Since we were going to be in Mystic to meet her anyway, I decided to email our DJ Pat and see if we could plan a walk through of the Branford House with him also while we were in the area.  I also emailed Max confirming a new day to meet up and talk videography.  AKA, Wednesday was meeting day!! Phew.

OH! But that's not all!! Wednesday was also date day :)  There is legitimately nothing better than mid week date days with my fiancĂ©.  We are super productive but also have SO much fun {work hard, play hard, am I right?}…it's legit the best.  One day I'm sure we'll love normal M-F work weeks, but until then, we love our date days!  This particular date day, we happened to be near the outlets…so we went to JCrew…and while we were at JCrew, we found the PERFECT tie for the groomsmen to wear!  Perfect.  It is simple and classic and the right colors.  So Ant mass texted his guys immediately to let them know he'd found the tie, so they could buy it asap.  I'll give you more deets in an upcoming Wise Guys post! **Edit!  We also tested our seal before finally crashing for the night.  A perfect example of where my monthly lists help provide some needed motivation to get silly stuff figured out and done!!

work hard….before


 play hard!!!

Thursday April 24th: I was able to confirm a meeting with Pat at the Branford House.  {What?? TWO meetings that were easy to schedule in one day?? Call it a miracle.}  I then called the Branford House to double check with Kathy that it would be open and available for us to walk through….I didn't want a repeat of our "walk-through" with Jen!  Pat has never done a wedding at the BH before, so he actually needs to see what it looks like inside :)

What have you been up to these days??  I'd love to know what stage of the planning you're in, and how it's going!

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