Saturday, September 13, 2014

140 Lakeside: The Walls

Creative post title, eh?

Okay, so after the CRAZY productive day Ant and I just had, I thought a post that was equal parts wedding and house related was only appropriate!  As you know from this post, Thursday 9/11/14 was our one year anniversary with our little black cape.  Today, Ant and I had the day off and decided to finally catch up on a lot of little things that we had been meaning to do around the house.  This included painting our bathroom {finally! YAY!!!!} and hanging up a number of new pieces of artwork/decor that we have received over the last few months.

We are SO crazy lucky to have talented and thoughtful friends and family.  We have received a number of beautiful additions to our home as engagement and wedding gifts over the last year - and today I am SO excited to say that they officially all have homes in our home :)  so I thought I would share them all with you!!!

I'm posting them in no particular order...

Branford House Painting:  This is one of my absolute favorite wedding gifts! It came from one of my bridesmaids Brittni and her fiancé Stephen.  Brittni's grandmother (Tootie!) paints landscapes...and painted this one specifically for Ant and I.  Her and Brit went to the Branford House and took pictures along the coastline at Avery Point.  From those pictures, she made this for us. When we started looking at wedding venues, one of the most important things to me was that we were on the coast.  This painting is the perfect reminder of the beautiful place that we chose to get married.

Wedding Guestbook:  Our wedding "guestbook" was this print made for us by Sarah Ku on Etsy.  The quote, "Love is friendship caught fire" is a favorite of mine, that perfectly describes Ant and I.  I knew I wanted it incorporated in our wedding day in some way, and I couldn't be more happy with the final product!  The print is simple and sweet, and we love having all the notes people wrote us out on display in our home. 

Engagement Photo Canvas:  Eeeek!  Besides my flowers, one of the first things {or people} to make me tear up on our wedding day was my photographer.  When she first showed up at the Branford House she brought me this beautiful canvas of one of our absolute favorite shots from our engagement pictures!!  It was the perfect addition to our bedroom, which is still a major work in progress...

Wedding Date CT Print:  At our bridal shower, I received this adorable framed print, that was also the perfect addition to our bedroom!  It is a map of CT, with our wedding date and a heart over the city where our wedding took place.  It now hangs directly over our bed, along with a collection of matching frames {we haven't filled all of them yet - we are saving some for wedding pics!}

Lucky:  My insanely talented bridesmaid and older sister Kristin made this Lucky canvas for us as an engagement gift.  "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait is our song - and was our first dance as husband and wife.

Maine painting:  This painting was another engagement gift.  Tommy Adkins is a close family friend, who has paintings in galleries throughout New England.  He is currently showing art in the local gallery on the Guilford green!  This painting is of the coast of Maine, where Ant's family has vacationed with the Adkins' family for years.

Love Lives Here:  Our "love lives here" print was an engagement/housewarming gift from friends of ours.  It has pretty much lived on our mantle since we got it - and became a part of our gallery wall when we finally finished it!!

Cohasset Harbor clock:  My aunt Meredith gave us this clock of Cohasset Harbor along with our wedding presents.  It came from my grandparent's house, and is probably one of the most meaningful addition to our home.  It is a small and simple daily reminder of my grandparents.

Tewksbury/Mascia sign:  Our wedding gift from my sister Sara!!!  I LOVE this sign.  It is perfect - I love that it is different than most similar signs and includes both of our last names - it shows our wedding date and the true coming together of two families.  It also just so happens to perfectly match the colors in our living room, and fit oh so nicely in our built in shelves ;)

I love the huge role our friends and family have had in helping make our house a home!  and I REALLY love that we finally got everything hung up - rather than piled up in various corners of our house!!! Did you receive any personalized wedding gifts for your home??  Send me a link or a pic - I'd love to see them!


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