Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The 6 Month Sprint: Week 11

If there was something faster than a sprint, than that's what I would call the 2-3 months before the wedding.  My bridal shower is less than two weeks away, and the list of things we have to do is getting smaller! AH!  I already told you what I accomplished in May…but we'll backtrack to the 6 month sprint posts to see what those days looked like.

Thursday May 8:  Got call back from Kathy that she wasn't in town to walk the Branford House with us while we were there…worth a shot!  Ant, my dad and I all met with Marie, the Justice of the Peace we were looking to hire.  We had coffee and chatted about all sorts of things.  Then Ant and I left to go meet Pat at the Branford House.  He got lost on campus - which we took as a sign that we should definitely use direction cards as part of our invitation suite!!  We showed him the different rooms of the house, and brainstormed areas to set up his DJ station, and the photo booth.  He seemed really excited about the acoustics, which makes me a happy lady :) My mom was coming into town for my first dress fitting, and was close enough that we were able to actually walk her through the Branford House as well!  She's seen it plenty of times before, but not since we actually booked it as our venue!!  Then we went to my first dress fitting!!!!!! I got to try it on with both my shoes and my earrings, which was so fun to see my outfit come together.  We don't have to do a TON of alterations, so hopefully when I go to my next fitting it will be almost perfect!

Friday: We committed to the JP we had met with on Thursday, and paid our deposit.  We also signed the contract and paid the deposit for our videographer!! (One trend you may notice with wedding planning- there are a lot of contracts, and a lot of deposits.)  I emailed Kathy to ask her about the size of the tables at the Branford House, and confirm the location we wanted to put the DJ table would work.  I also sent an email to Jen about a small add on to our invitation suite.

Saturday: I heard back from Kathy that our DJ location would work!  She also gave us some good advice as far as table set up is concerned.

Monday: Ordered myself something pretty for the wedding day off of Etsy - we'll chat more about that later!

I wasn't going to see Ant on his birthday, so I surprised him with pie and prosecco the night before...

Wednesday May 14th: Celebrated my sweet fiancés birthday - by working all day.  We saw each other all of about 5 minutes, but that's okay because….

Thursday: Was the 1 year anniversary of when Ant proposed to me!!!  (Not sure if that's a thing people celebrate, but we don't turn down any excuse to celebrate)  We had the entire day off together and used it as a joint birthday celebration as well.  We spent some time working on the questionnaire that we had to send back to our JOP, which was a fun way to reflect on us for a little bit.

How is your wedding planning going???  Send me the link to your blog, I'd love to read about it!

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