Now that I have the house to myself, I wanted to go back and tell you all about my bridal shower which was this past Sunday! You can also read my MOH's recap of the lovely event here :)
My bridal shower was a complete surprise - I knew the date that is was happening, and that was it! I did not even know what state it was going to be in…RI, where I grew up, or CT where I live now! My MIL and MOH started telling me it was in Texas so I'd stop asking :) The morning of - my fiancé and one of my bridesmaids drove me down…and we found ourselves at Latitude 41, the restaurant at Mystic Seaport!! My mom could not have picked a better spot...Ant and I actually looked at this location as a possible wedding venue - the shower took place on the patio where they generally hold cocktail hour, and it could NOT have been more beautiful! It didn't hurt that the weather was absolutely perfect.
Below is the invitation - that I didn't get to see until that day! My MIL did the centerpieces herself, and I think they came out absolutely stunning! I got to take three home that are currently decorating my living & dining areas.
This is the view of the patio from the water - it is a beautiful sperry tent that is set up and makes the perfect space for a shower! It is also right on the water, so the views are stunning!
Everyone was so incredibly generous - and look how pretty the gift table was!!
Melissa did an awesome job of putting together a few games for the day! First, she had a scavenger hunt, to see who had the craziest list of things in their purse! Then, she had everyone play "He said, She said" - she had asked Ant and I the same 5 questions - then used quotes from our answers and had everyone guess who said each quote. It was pretty funny to see what everyone's guesses are - I think we surprised a few people! It was fun for Ant and I also, to see how we each answered the questions ourselves. Some of them were hard! When did you know he/she was "the one?" - Heavy stuff! and really fun to reflect on together. The last thing was she had each person write out the recipe for a perfect marriage, that she put together for us to take home that day! I loved seeing everyones responses on our drive home…some were serious, some were funny - and all had a lot of truth to them!!
I don't have many of the pictures that were taken that day, but here are a few that I was able to borrow & steal from people….Ant and my dad stopped by at the end, so we were able to snag a few family shots as well!
My amazing bridesmaids…these are my favorite women in the world.
Last but not least - the moms!!! They were the perfect hostesses and I could not have asked for a more beautiful afternoon! I'm a lucky lucky girl :)
It was so fun to have all of my family and friends together in one spot - it made me realize just how quickly the big day is coming up…and how much fun it is going to be! The next few weeks are going to absolutely FLY by, and I'm just trying to make sure I take the time to enjoy every minute along the way!
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