Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Favorite Seven: KRISTIN

Today I am going to introduce you to my favorite "sister from another mister" - Kristin!!  We go wayyyy when I was about 7.  Kristin started to babysit for my sisters and I when Sara was still in diapers.  Our memories together go back, literally as far as I can remember. By the time we didn't need a babysitter anymore, she was already a part of the family!  She's an honorary Tewksbury, and the older sister I never had.  

Kristin is hands down one of the strongest women I know.  She is someone I have always been able to lean on, and go to for advice.  When the two of us get together there is no shortage of laughing.  We are two of the least graceful people you've ever met, and something ridiculous always happens when we're together!  She is there for our family through the good and the bad - and next Friday definitely counts as the good!  I can't wait for her to celebrate with Ant and I!  


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Favorite Seven: ANGIE

Ahhhh okay, so I am back and officially survived my Bachelorette Weekend!!! I had an amazing weekend with my bridesmaids - it was just what I needed! A weekend to get away and not worry about a single wedding related plan.  I will fill you in on all of the details later....first I want to introduce you to another one of my bridesmaids!!!  

Angie and I have also been friends since 6th grade.  I'm sparing everyone those photos - I was pretty much the biggest nerd ever in 6th grade.  But we became friends and have remained close ever since!!  I love Ang because like me she is ALWAYS down for a trip, no matter how big or small!  We have gone on camping trips, road trips, cruises, and everything in between. I also became the dedicated Bachelor fan I am today through regular viewings at her house every week, WAY back in the day!  Her and I live in different states and both work retail, so our schedules are prettyyyy crazy, but that doesn't matter...she is always down to meet in the middle - where there happen to be a lot of beaches and vineyards, two of our favorite spots!  I am lucky that we have remained friends for so long, and can not WAIT to celebrate my big day with her in 10 amazingly short days!!!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Taking a Bachelorette Break!

It's officially Bachelorette Weekend!!!! Which I am capitalizing, because it's about as official a thing as I can imagine.  I am SO excited to spend the weekend with these ladies just relaxing and having some quality GIRL TIME.  I would also like to point out, in case everyone isn't counting like I am - there are exactly 14 days until I marry my guy!!!! TWO WEEKS PEOPLE :) :)

My Bachelorette is a surprise! So I can't tell you much now, but I will fill you all in once I get back! and continue to formally introduce you to these lovely ladies....


Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Favorite Seven: MELISSA

The subtitle for this post could also be meet my MOH!

I was trying to come up with other things that come in sevens, and the first things that came to mind were the seven seas, and the seven deadly sins.  In this case, I mean my seven bridesmaids!  They are plain and simply my favorite women in the world.  I have a LOT of guy friends, and I love them dearly, but sometimes you just need your ladies...and these are mine!  I'm going to introduce you to each of them, mostly through pictures, because let's be honest that's way more fun anyway!

The first lovely lady you get to officially meet is of course my MOH - Melissa! She is my BFFL, has been since 6th grade...which is about the same time she "locked down" the title of MOH for my wedding....having no idea when or where or to whom that would be.  and here we are!  She writes this blog Balancing on my Toes - which you should go check out!  She also has been kind enough to agree to guest blog for me while I'm away on my honeymoon - so you aren't left hanging for an entire week!  Isn't she just the sweetest??  For every fiber of my being that is an unorganized and slightly chaotic person, Melissa is equally {and probably even a little more so} organized.  She has been known, on more than one occasion, to come help me reorganize my life.  If you read her blog, you will see my house show up more than once.  What can I say???  We've had our share of adventures, and this wedding is just one of the many I'm looking forward to sharing with her!!  {She also bustles like a champ, in case you were wondering!}


Thursday, July 17, 2014

The 6 Month Sprint: Week 14

June.  Nice to see you! that it's more than halfway through July! Sigh.  The joys of bridal brain.  Let's pick up where we left off with 6 month sprint posts...

June 2: We took Ant's dad Tony suit shopping, and had AMAZING luck at Jos. A. Bank again.  I am seriously loving these men right now.  I can not speak more highly of the experience we've had there.  and I will simultaneously take all of the credit for being an amazing bargain shopper :)  We found him a grey suit that looks good and was on clearance - it was cheaper than the groomsmen suits!!!  The jacket was a perfect fit, he just needed pants to be ordered.  After that we went right across the street and bought him a shirt and tie at J.C.Penney!  We do not mess around people.  Father of the Groom - check!  I got to spend some quality time with Bettie while we were out, discussing decor options for the rehearsal dinner as well.

June 3:  I emailed Jen about some of the "other" paper things for the wedding, to see if she would be able to help!  I wasn't sure how to word our rehearsal dinner invite to include all of the necessary details without being wordy, and I wanted to know if she would be able to do our programs for us.  I also sent her some address corrections we'd gotten in for our invites.

June 4: Got a response from Jen with suggestions about how to word our rehearsal dinner invite! and proceeded to do nothing with that information immediately.

June 8th: Celebrated our two {-2 months!} by celebrating Stonge and Ina's wedding!  We had SO MUCH fun at their wedding - and it made us even that much more excited for ours!  It didn't hurt that they are using the same DJ as us, so we were able to use their as a "test run" of sorts!  We also got an email from Pat about scheduling our next planning session to finalize all the nitty gritty DJ items.  AND that afternoon right before the ceremony we got an email from Marie with the rough drafts of our ceremony!!!  It was SO fun and fitting to read through the ceremony options right before going to the wedding ceremony of our good friends.

June 9th:  On the way home from our Newport wedding, we drove through Mystic and picked up our invitations!!!! We had a spelling mishap with the envelopes, but otherwise they were absolutely perfect!!!  I could not have asked for a more appropriate invitation suite :)  Ant got home late from a meeting and we got WAY productive and both picked AND ordered rehearsal invites!! {there are some major benefits to having your fiancé get involved in silly topics like this - he's good at simplifying them and making quick decisions!}  I also spent some time with the guest list starting to mock up table numbers, which is hard to do when you don't know who is coming…but at least it got my brain thinking about it.  The last thing we did that night was spent some time looking over the ceremonies we were sent.  We began editing them, deleting parts we didn't like and highlighting ones we start the process of creating a ceremony we love!

How was your Thursday???  I'll tell you how we spent ours...

groton ct shoreline bride
Signing his life away ;)

shoreline bride
I'm here for the right reasons...

shoreline bride
I wonder what important documents he's filling out!

shoreline bride
Did it!!! #licensetowed #soexcited

Monday, July 14, 2014

Branford House RW: Megan W Photography

There is something SO romantic about winter weddings at the Branford House.  The building photographs amazingggggly in B&W and the natural grays of winter suit it so well.  This wedding by Megan W Photography that I found on Style Me Pretty makes me want to die of happiness for so many reasons: the beautiful fireplace decor, gold MOH dress, and stunning bride to name a few!!  I also don't think you could have gotten a better sunset if you had ordered one up special for the occasion.

Follow the links above to see even more of the stunning images!!!  My favorites are below - including the first one which might be my favorite B&W shot of the Branford House ever.