Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The January List: 7 months to go!

Okay, it's time for things to get real. I spent the day with my MOH last Wednesday running a couple of wedding errands - and she pointed out to me that it was exactly 7 months until our wedding!  After a minor freak out, we decided the best course of action was to whip up a quick and rough list of every little thing I could think of that I knew I needed to do still.  At least it put it all out there for me, and it's something I can add to and edit as I go along.  At some pt, probably after our vacation at the end of the month, I will compare it to an "official" list, from the Knot, etc. and see what else I'm forgetting, but for now the one we came up with is enough for me!

MOH & I after a long day of errands & brainstorming!
I'm not going to include the entire list here, but I am going to post the things I am hoping to do over the next couple of weeks, before we head to FL and it becomes February and 6 months until our wedding! I'll put my monthly checklists up here - and update at the end of the month so we can see how I did!  Hopefully putting it into bite sized chunks like this will make it seem manageable, and make me feel productive.

The January List:
-Bridal Shower/Bachelorette dates
-Invitations - make real progress on picking one.
-Wedding undergarments
-Accessories!!! Veil, jewelry, shoes
-Groom/groomsmen suits
-Email Noreen about centerpieces
-Call for cake tasting appt
-Email Videographer***

I know it's already January 14th, so I'm sort of cheating in that I've already made some progress on this list...but that's okay!  Going forward you will get these the first week of the month.  The *** indicates to me that I've already been putting it off WAY too long, and need to get my butt in gear...oops! :)

Our third wheel for date night - the fiancé! 

What's on your plate for January?

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