Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Asking the moms

In my last post, I wrote about how I formally asked my bridal party to be part of my big day!  What I kept out of that post (because I am sneaky that way) was one of my favorite parts of the whole thing....I asked the moms too!!

Will you be my mom? / Will you be my mother-in-law?

To me, it came so naturally, and seemed so obvious.  I was preparing to ask the ladies in my life to be a part of my wedding day - how could that NOT include my mom and my mother-in-law to be?  My mom has had the pleasure of knowing me for 25+ years, for better or worse...and Bettie, bless her heart raised the man of my dreams! I dare you to name a more important couple of women.

Obviously, neither of them had a lot of say in the matter.  Their DNA dictates their involvement in our wedding.  BUT, I have learned from past experience that everyone's situation when they start planning a wedding is a little different.  Every mom has an opinion, or doesn't have an opinion, about certain topics.  My mom has two daughters after me to help plan weddings for, but Ant is an only child, so this is the only wedding his mother will be deeply involved in planning!  Everyone's situation is unique, and I was not going to pretend that the world revolves around me.  By asking each of them to be a part of the wedding, it allowed me to formally tell them exactly how I felt.  I wanted them to know that I wanted them as involved as they wanted to be!  If that meant every fitting and appointment and napkin color, great.  If that meant they kindly said "thanks but no thanks" to certain parts of the planning process, that was fine too!  I love them both dearly and want them as involved as they choose to be.

So...long story short, both my mom and Ant's mom each got boxes of their own!  Theirs were slightly different as far as the contents were concerned, but had the same overall message.  It included all of the details about the day of wedding dress shopping, and invited them to join me on this journey of a wedding planning experience!

Great news: they both said yes!! :)  I am so lucky that both of them have been so supportive, and have chosen to take active roles as both my sounding board and company on errands and appointments! 

What do you think about this idea?  Good?  Bad?  Brilliant?  I'd love to know!  Did you do something similar?  How did you ask?

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