Monday, May 30, 2016

The Blair Wife Project: 9.30.17

Houston, we have a venue!

After an unexpected detour, Cody and I have signed a contact with Mill 1 at Open Square.  To keep it short, we ended up adding two last minute tours after we were pleasantly surprised with how much we legit liked estate/mansion venues.  We checked out Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown (it ended up being between Mill 1 and this place) and the Mansion at Harkness Park (or at least we tried…the coordinator may or may not have blown us off for a tour. Not cool.). I may eventually do a review of those venues down the line but for now I’m set to move on.  

The staff at Mill 1 made the contract signing process super relaxed. We toured the spaces again briefly. They were actually setting up for a wedding reception while we were there, lucky us! It was great to see the space set up. There was no question in our mind about getting married at the Mill 1 after that for us. 
Our coordinator, Denise, is new but is training side-by-side with Maggie whom we met during our tour.  I could tell after the first five minutes of chatting with Denise about her experience and event style (the second we stepped into the office my eye went immediately to a set of antique mirrors she purchased at an auction for the bathrooms) that we would get along just fine. We settled in the back office with Denise and John, the owner of Mill 1 and found out they have a DOG whom I was, of course, head over heals in love with at first sight.  Cute dog, perfect venue, happy fiancé – it’s a surprise I did not spontantiously combust (with joy).
I found it super refreshing the owner John insisted we comb through the contract together so there were no surprises especially due to the fact there are some changes going on with their catering company. They put a clause in our contract that allows us to back out with a full refund if we aren’t happy with whom they’ve chosen as an exclusive caterer (if they do) and promised to let us know what they’ve decided by July. Of all I’ve read and researched, the biggest advice people give is to get everything in writing and Mill 1 was a step ahead of us. I have my fingers crossed it will all work out and that the new company will be more keen to help decorating.

After we agreed on the contract, the conversation turned to selecting a date. A DATE. AH!  Cody and I did not have a special, specific date in mind. Our anniversary is in February and neither of us wanted to get married then. We knew we wanted to stay away from October as it is a popular month for friends and family anniversaries. There are about 600 birthdays in May for my family and Cody traditionally is in a constant state of melting June and July.  So after factoring all that in, we both quickly agreed on a fall wedding and for a long time we were talking about early November. Wait, late September. End of November. Early October? Didn’t we say November? But why not September? How much money can we save if we pick blah blah blah.
We were still debating back and forth up until the car ride up. By that point I was pretty set on what I wanted but for some odd reason, I felt it should be Cody to pick. I severely doubt this feeling will surface much more during the process (sorry babe) so with high hopes and expectations, I turned to him and blurted rather curtly “What do you want? Seriously, just tell me and I’m set.”  To which he replied, much to my relief, “I don’t want to wait until November”.

Flash forward an hour later and we are in the office staring at the huge calendar they have with different names penciled in on assorted Fridays and Saturdays 2016-2017 knowing that one of those boxes was about to be branded Blair wedding.

We decided on Saturday, September 30th, 2017. It already feels like ours. Funny enough, it was the verbal commitment to the date that got me, but rather the casual observation of our wedding coordinator who pointed out our first joint checking account check was our deposit on our venue. Cue the waterworks and ugly crying face. Thank God the owner started talking about the liquor options and I was able to collect myself until Cody and I got outside.  I’m weird, I know.
So the question becomes, what is next? Having a venue and a date opens Pandora’s frilly bridal box. I quickly consulted the two (thanks Mom and Bri) bridal timelines I have and start checking off what we had already done which, side note, was oddly satisfying in the same way plucking my eyebrows is. Some of the suggestions I’m questioning already….for instance; create a wedding website (Whaaaa? Does this count?) or have an engagement party (-heavy breathing- I can’t plan two parties).  

As far as being 12+ months out, the big ones that stand out to me to get accomplished soon are:

Outline the initial guest list – CHECK! 
Research and book priority vendors – I smell a future blog post
Choose your wedding party – bride squad baby

I am actually really looking forward to these next steps. Cody and I actually drafted our guest list the night we got engaged, over pizza and booze no less, so all that needs is a little tweaking and address gathering. I have already reached out to two photographers, two videographers, and a DJ all of whom either come highly recommended by friends or have blogs I’ve stalked for the last six months. And assembling my squad?  I’ve been waiting to be able to start asking my girls since I said yes.

It’s fun to be the one asking. I get to experience a tiny sliver of the nerves and excitement Cody talks about when he was getting ready to ask me.  Totally planning on a fully emotional girl-power gush-fest of a post about the bridal party once they’ve all been asked properly and (eee!) hopefully say yes so I better get going!

Here goes nothing! 

AHHHHH!!!!  I opened my email to get Cate's newest post and may or may not have almost caused Ant to drive off the road when I yelled in surprise/excitement!! I couldn't text Cate quick enough to say YES YES YES (with lots of emojis).  I am honored she asked, and I can NOT wait to be a part of their day!! 

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