Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The ring!

Ahhh...the ring.  Ant and I had talked very little about rings.  I love that we talked openly about our future together, without ever really TALKING about it.  Which led to me being totally surprised by both the engagement, and the ring.  It's gorgeous. Perfect, simple and sparkly. SO sparkly.

 As you can see, we are pretty excited about being engaged.  This was before a girl I work with yelled at me for allowing my other rings to share the same hand.  I've since fixed that problem!  You can also see my terrible habit of biting my nails until they bleed, as evidenced by the chipped nail polish and attractive band aid.

Now, as I mentioned before, Ant and I are leaving for Europe on Wednesday.  I need to get the ring sized, and a few people have started mentioning that maybe I shouldn't bring it with me to Europe anyway, since then I might worry about losing it, or it getting stolen, or dropping it in the waters of Venice, etc. etc.  I've been debating my options for the last few days, and when my sister came to visit yesterday we came up with the perfect solution! We bought a beautiful purple Claddagh ring, which I will wear in place of my engagement ring on our trip.  Then I can get it sized while we are gone - and not have to part with it again once we get back!  I didn't really want to celebrate my EMoon without my ERing - but I think this is a pretty good compromise.  As you may notice, I'm also trying reallyyyy hard to get better about my fingers.  Meaning lots and lots of manicures.

Before, and after....ready for Europe!

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