As I am making a true effort to work through my January list - I am spending a lot of QT on Minted! Minted and I are becoming quite good friends...and I thought it might be a good time to go back and walk you through the process of us choosing our Save the Dates!
I knew we were likely to want to use Minted, or one of the similar sites for our save the dates and invitations, so when we first started talking about them I went online and ordered a bunch of samples! At the time, Ant wasn't super interested in talking about I figured having a few hard copies to look at would help. and I was RIGHT!! Being able to put them in front of him, he quickly gave me opinions, which got the ball rolling right along. Below are a few of the ones from our first batch:
These samples taught us a few things:
1. We did not want pictures on our invitation, like the Metro Green Line invitation
2. We did not want multiple pictures on anything - like the Metro Green Line
3. We LOVED the save the date magnet with one photo - but not the font and design of Timelesss
4. We wanted our invitation to be more exciting - Lucky in Love is way too simple
So, that round of samples was kind of a flop - but allowed me to refocus with a new sense of what I was looking for! We decided that the invitations and save the dates were not going to be matching - so we put invitations to the side and focused on save the date magnets with one photo. We've had a couple of friends use the magnets over the last couple years - and we loved them! You're never going to lose it!! I had my heart set on black and white when I saw these two samples:
They were perfect - I loved the way the black and white looked - and each one had an interesting font without being too much. I liked the way the date was written on Belle Memoire, as the focus of the wording....and absolutely ADORED the "Save Our Date" wording in meet in the middle. The script is pretty and interesting without being over the top. We made samples of both - below is our Belle Memoire. While I still really love the way the date looks, we decided it was too much with the picture we had chosen to use.
After deciding we were definitely going to use Meet in the Middle - I started playing with the words. On the sample, the words fall right in the middle, but that puts it right over my face! We were able to move it down to the bottom of the photo - what you see below is my rough editing. Minted took it and straightened everything and made it perfect! They were also able to add our wedding website at the very bottom, in much smaller font. As you can see below - the final and biggest change we made was that we ended up using color! I decided the coloring of the photo we picked was simple enough that it wasn't distracting. The pretty water backdrop looks way nicer in color also!
If I can give you ONE piece of advice - start organizing and collecting addresses as SOON as you start putting together an invite list. That was half our battle - in order to write out a save the date, we had to research and collect the address first! It made it all take way longer. But it was such a good feeling when we finally dropped them in the mail! and I loved getting texts and pictures back as people received them! This one if one of my favorites - we have three friends that live in the same apartment in Boston - each one got their own save the date - that's a lot of us on one fridge!!
Love Minted! :) And love your choices here!